Lifestyle Blog


Kylie Jenner's Lip Kit Review

You've probably already heard a million things about the Kylie Lip Kits by now, unless you've been living under a rock for the last few years. A couple of months ago I went back and forth with myself about whether or not I should (or needed to) purchase these. I'd heard great things, but I knew I could probably get a really great dupe somewhere else, so was it worth the hype? One day I just decided to bite the bullet and check them out. The kits notoriously sold out within minutes, so I was hoping there would be colors left that worked with my pale skin, and thankfully the ones I wanted were still in stock! 

I'm not a big lipgloss person, so that's another reason I was hesitant. However I was looking for something that would give me a natural looking lip, so I thought why not? I decided to get Koko K. It's a really nice baby pink color that would be the type of color I would wear everyday. I also got Candy K, which is a berry color. Definitely not something I would everyday, but it's good for special occasions, or when I'm channeling those 90's vibes. It's also apparently one of Kylie's favorites, so I mean... I had to have it. Some of my other favorites are Penelope, High Maintenance, Posie K, Khlo$, and Libra

So let's talk about the cost. Each kit is $29, and it includes a matte lipstick and lipliner in the kit. If you spend over $40 you get free shipping, so I paid about $58 for both lip kits. $29 for lipliner and a lipstick seems expensive, but if you really think about it, most lipsticks at Sephora are around $20 and lipliners can go anywhere from $6 to $24 (depending on brands) by itself - so the lip kit is on par with other products in terms of price.

Now, let's get to the quality. My first impression of the product was obviously the packaging, which I am obsessed with. It's so cute and the lips with the melting lipstick is genius (people have actually gotten these tattooed on their bodies!). The products themselves are really good quality. The lip liner is very creamy and goes on easily. Unlike some other lipliners that feel like their cutting up your lips as you put them on. The lipstick has a nice applicator and the product smells like vanilla! I've heard that some people don't like this but I'm really into it. The colors are long lasting and are almost like a stain when it dries. I much prefer these to regular lip glosses because your hair doesn't get stuck in it and get all gooped up. It lasts pretty much all day, you can eat with it on and you'll see very little fading. When I swatched them on my hand I had to use a makeup remover wipe to get it off - just wiping it with a napkin won't do.

The good thing about the lipsticks is that you don't need to use a lot to get good coverage. I use a very thin layer and it's more than enough. One thing that I do want to point out is that the colors can apply darker than how they look in the bottle, I think it depends on the color of your lips, as is usual with any lipstick. My natural lip color is a bit on the darker side, so I actually apply a bit of concealer before I put the color on and it lightens the shade. But in contrast, my cousin has lighter colored lips than I do and it looked perfect without concealer for her.

All in all, the Kylie Lip Kits are really good. Unfortunately, most of the other colors she offers are too dark for my pale Irish skin, so I don't plan on buying any more. But I'm very happy with the 2 colors that I did get. They're super pigmented, long lasting, good quality and perfect for creating Kylie Jenner-esque lips. To anyone looking for similar items for not as much $, I've heard than NYX and ColorPop are good dupes for these lip sticks.

Do you have any of Kylie's lip kits? What do you think of them?


It Girl Approved Halloween Costumes

*Cue Nightmare Before Christmas music* 
Halloween is right around the corner, you guys! Not really, we've got like 3 weeks, but if you're anything like me, you will put off nailing down a costume until a few days before and wonder why you didn't plan ahead. It's bound to happen. So this year I'm trying to be a bit more proactive about it. I'm not into the whole "sexy costume" thing - I tend to lean towards costumes that are culturally relevant. While I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a costume that I'd wear once, maybe twice - I really like to go all out and wow people. Recently, I've spent an inordinate amount of time researching some of the best costumes celebrities have worn to come up with some ideas for costumes that are not only 100% cool girl approved, but are also guaranteed to have that wow factor (and incite some jealousy, obvs).

Black Swan

Yes, Black Swan came out 7 years ago, but everyone still remembers it and you can make yourself a really badass looking ballerina. You can pretty much get everything you need from Amazon and a party store, so it's really not the difficult to put together either. If you want to do a costume with a friend, one of you can be the Black Swan and the other can be the White Swan and you guys will look so amazing!
Black Swan Halloween Costume

Victoria's Secret Angel

No, you're not going out in a lingerie set, relax. Everyone knows the real fun of being an Angel is hanging backstage with your girls before the show (and that's where we get all the best Instagram pics). This costume is super easy to put together and you will thank yourself for choosing to wear pajamas by the end of the night. All you need is to get a silk robe, curl your hair, and put on some natural makeup and you'll be the ready to rock Halloween like it's your runway. Practice you're smizing because you will need to look fierce in every photo. You could even use this for a group costume with your girls and all go as Angels!
Victoria's Secret Model Halloween Costume

Glam Vamp

Who doesn't love a good gothic outfit? You get to wear all black and you don't even have to smile - win/win. You can create the glamorous vampire look so many different ways, but the important thing to remember is a dark lip and hypnotic stare, that's what really completes the whole look, no matter what other makeup you've done. Check out Pinterest for some great makeup ideas. Extra points if you can get some real looking fangs!

Glam Vampire Halloween Costume

Scream Queens

I'm sure I'm not the only one, but I am so upset that Scream Queens was cancelled. Was it possibly the greatest show on television? No. Did I relate to it on a deep, personal level? Also no, but was it entertaining as heck? YES. As far as I'm concerned, The Chanels will never die (except for Chanel #2, sorry Arianna). Even though the show is over, you can totally pull together a super chic costume styled after the always fashionable ladies. You'll have everyone saying "omg I love Scream Queens!" If all else fails, you can definitely turn this into a Clueless inspired costume, which is always It Girl approved!
Scream Queens Halloween Costume

I hope you guys enjoyed these halloween looks! I loved putting these together, it helped me really think about what I should choose for my costume. For more inspiration, check out this post for other last minute costume ideas!

What are you planning on going as for Halloween?


5 Things to Watch on Netflix This Fall

Even though it's still 80 degrees here in Georgia, I am emotionally and mentally in Fall mode (I've got a new sweater and legging on as I type this). I love the coziness this time of year brings and it always inspires me to find a new show to watch on Netflix. Also when the weather is a bit chillier I don't feel as guilty about staying inside, laying on the couch, 5 hours deep into a Netflix binge as I do during the summer. I still do it though...

I always have a hard time figuring out what I want to watch. Am I in the mood for a drama? A comedy? Should I rewatch Friends for the 10th time this year? It's a life changing decision. So I've listed out a couple of the shows that I've loved either watching in the last year or loved watching over again. Hopefully this makes your decision a little easier, because Fall isn't about's about fitting as many episodes into a weekend binge as you can.

Gilmore Girls

Quite possibly one of the coziest shows ever - Gilmore Girls is the show to watch as we transition into Fall. I always get the itch to watch this around this time of year because a lot of the episodes take place in the autumn and Stars Hollow is the cutest, quaintest town that was screams sweater weather. The show itself is perfect for a good binge. You can snuggle up in a fluffy blanket with some hot chocolate and just enjoy the best quick, witty humor and heartfelt storylines. I love watching Gilmore Girls because it brings back happy memories of watching it when it originally was on, which was like ten years ago btw, and it gives you that wonderful nostalgic feeling.

Stranger Things

One of the best shows to come out of 2016, Stranger Things really gets you in the mood for Halloween. The vibe of the show is very Fall-ish to begin with so add in a boy disappearing, a girl with supernatural powers and a gross, scary monster and you've got yourself the perfect show to watch on a spooky October night. Season 2 is coming out at the end of the month, so you can definitely quickly binge this show to catch up before it premiers. Not even kidding, I started it on a Friday night and watched it until the early hours of the morning. Once you start watching, you can't stop.

How To Get Away With Murder

I have this thing for crime shows, and that thing is that I am obsessed with them. How To Get Away With Murder is the name of a law class taught by a tough, take no prisoners law professor who is not easily impressed, and chooses five of her best and brightest students to assist her with cases to gain "experience". Those students soon become entangled in a murder plot and have to use what they've learned from said experience to get away with it. As you can expect, mysteries and dark revelations take over these students lives. It's another easy binge that will keep you coming back for more. The first season is the absolute best and will probably make you want to become a lawyer - the murderous things will not.

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl is just one of those shows that you can watch over and over again and it never gets old. A lot of the episodes are set in the fall and winter - and there is absolutely nothing better than seeing New York during that time of year. Many of the storylines are easy to follow, but will draw you in like a moth to a flame. You don't have to think about anything too hard, apart from when you're thinking about who GG actually is and how it doesn't make any sense. I love to watch this show and dream about being Blair Waldorf. Also, you get to watch Chuck Bass be Chuck Bass- enough said.

The Crown

If you love history like I do then you will easily fall in love with The Crown. It starts at the beginning of Queen Elizabeth II's reign and gives an inside look to her life as Queen - both professionally and personally. The show is incredibly well made and for the most part, pretty historically accurate. I'm also totally enamored with the Royal Family and their history so this is right up my alley. It provides a really interesting perspective into the events that shaped her into the Queen she has become and the strains the crown put on those closest to her. It's Netflix's most expensive series to date, and it is easy to see why. Visually, this show is stunning and the actors give incredible performances. I would recommend this show at any time of the year, but there's something about it that just screams Fall.

So those are some of my favorite shows to watch that would be perfect for the Fall. I also just realized that I think I associate most of these shows with this time of year because that's when I started watching them! Weird. What are some shows you guys enjoy watching during the Fall?

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