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My Top 10 Favorite Real Housewives Moments

One Friday night, when I was in high school, my mom and I stumbled upon Bravo, and my world was forever changed. What show happened to be on? The Real Housewives of New Jersey - a marathon of the first season. I'd never even heard of the Real Housewives but we gave it a shot. We watched one episode, looked at each other and said, "let's get our sweats on and order pizza, we're not leaving this couch tonight!" We proceeded to watch the rest of the season that night (which ended up being like 8 hours) and we had found an obsession that still exists to this day.

If you ask anyone who knows me they'll tell you that I really love reality TV - and that I basically watch it an unhealthy amount of it. And anyone who really knows me, knows my favorite shows to watch are the Real Housewives, and it all began that one Friday night. I have watched every episode of every franchise - from Orange County to Dallas (but don't even talk to me about Miami or Potomac, seriously). So, to celebrate the long-awaited resurgence of Real Housewives of New Jersey that premiered last Sunday, I've put together my top 10 favorite housewives moments ever! 

10. Orange County - Sarah Eats the Bow Off Heather's Cake

"She picked the bow off my cake, and ate it"

Heather is throwing a party to celebrate her finally taking on her husband's last name (after like 14 years of marriage). Alexis' mischievous friend Sarah got a bit tipsy and picks off a piece of Heather's customized cake before it was even socially acceptable to look at the cake! Tension escalates at an alarming rate. But Sarah claimed her blood sugar was low so she did it to save her life - right. The party was basically ruined after that, obviously.

9. Beverly Hills - The Dinner Party from Hell

"He will never emotionally fulfill you, ever - know that"

Camille Grammar throws a dinner party for the ladies, plus her two friends, one of whom (Allison) happens to be a psychic. Everything very quickly goes up in flames when Allison brings up some touchy subjects (like the idea that Kyle's husband is cheating on her) and it riles the ladies up so much that the party ends in an all woman show down with Allison looking on, laughing diabolically while smoking an e-cigarette. 

8. New York - Morocco Trip 

"Wha-what is that? A buffalo coming down the stairs?"

The drama begins literally as soon as they land in Morocco when Cindy accused Sonja and Ramona of stealing her hangers, thus resulting in the ridiculous event that came to be known as "hanger-gate". Then, a psychic tells Ramona that there's another woman in her husband's life so, on the defensive, Ramona makes up a story that LuAnn's husband was abusive and accuses Sonja of being a gold digger. Later, Alex comes bounding down the stairs and tries to interrupt LuAnn's Henna session, which is, like, so rude. And to top it all off, Ramona and Sonja are an hour-and-a-half late for LuAnn's dinner so she makes damn sure they know they're in Morocco, not at the Plaza. Mountains out of mole hills, people.    

7. Orange County - Tamra throws wine in Jeana's face

"That girl needs a rabies shot"

In the midst of her divorce, Vicki decides to throw her annual fall bash. After Jeana allegedly talked to the press about Tamra's relationship with her estranged husband, Simon, Tamra confronts her at the soiree, which is always a great time to bring up conflicts. Jeana claims Tamra is lying about her abusive ex and everything takes a dramatic turn after that, Tamra throws a cease-and-desist letter at Jeana and Jeana threatens to throw Tamra's "skinny little ass" in the pool. In response Tamra throws a drink in her face and Jeana tries to do the same, but ends up throwing her own wine in cast mate Peggy's face! Nothing says "end of season" like a housewives brawl.

6. New York  - Turks & Caicos Trip 

"Maybe I know it all..."

Sonja invites all the ladies for a girls' trip to Turks & Caicos for some fun in the sun - and it was explosive. All the ladies quickly turn on her for her recent outlandish flirting and partying behavior, but Bethenny in particular was totally fed up with Sonja immaturity. After several confrontations between Bethenny and Sonja, Heather butts in and tells Bethenny to "shut up" (in more or less words) and calls her a know-it-all. Newsflash Heather: Bethenny already knows she's a know it all. Afterwards, Bethenny goes on a full on gossip fest calling Heather territorial. Shockingly, Heather somehow overhears this and asks Bethenny is she was talking about her, to which she replies, "one-hundred percent". Bethenny is savage.

5. New York - Aviva throws her leg

"the only thing that is artificial, or fake about me, is this-"

As a child, Aviva was in an accident that caused her to lose her leg, so she wears a prosthetic, and it was the center of her story this year. All season, the ladies have been questioning Aviva on the real severity of her asthma condition, claiming she's been a bit overdramatic, like when the ladies went on a trip to Montana and she had a wheelchair waiting for her at the airport, but she wasn't even on the trip. When it's brought up at a casual dinner party, Aviva says she's had enough. So what does she do? Naturally, she takes her leg off and throws it! Everyone was horrified and jaws hit the floor. It was the most anticipated event of the season. Aviva later revealed that she did it to be dramatic, but it didn't help save her spot on the show as she was fired before the next season began filming. 

4. New Jersey - Ashley pulls out Danielle's Hair 

"love and light, stay in the positive b----"

A classic RHONJ moment here, folks. This whole season has been about who can piss off OG villain Danielle Staub the most and, on this particular night, Teresa gave it her all. It all started at the annual Posche Fashion Show when Teresa attempted to have a conversation with Danielle. "Don't call me honey", snapped Danielle, which totally set Teresa off. She stated, "I don't want to call you honey, is b---- better?" And the straw that broke the camel's back is when Danielle retorted, "your house is in foreclosure!" From there Teresa and Jacqueline chased Danielle through the country club. When she finally made it outside, Danielle was cowering in the bushes, crying hysterically. Then, out of literally nowhere, Jacqueline's daughter, Ashley, ran up behind her and pulled out her hair extensions! Ashley said she did it because she thought Danielle threatened her mom, later commenting that it was not her finest moment. The cops were called and Danielle claimed that she had pulled out her actual hair, not her weave. Ashley wasn't arrested, much to Danielle's dismay, but she did appear in court later. You think it couldn't get any better than this, but just you wait...

3. New Jersey - The Road Trip from Hell

"I feel like Sandra Bullock in Speed right now"

There is so much that happens on this trip. From stilettos on the beach, to games of hide the sausage and watching a video of a bull and a cow mating - if there's one thing these episodes have it's hilarity. While camping in Half Moon Bay, the ladies find the accommodations less than desirable. The drama starts when Teresa and Kathy have a heart to hear about how Teresa was upset that Kathy claimed that Teresa used Kathy's mother's recipes in her cookbook (their cousins, btw). It turns out to be a big case of miscommunication, but there are still feeling of animosity there. Melissa (Teresa's sister-in-law) fuels the fire by saying that she thought that Teresa's mom got some of her family recipes from Kathy's mom - and thus the "Great Pirelli War" began. This is just the tip of the iceberg folks, it all goes down from there.

2. Beverley Hills - Amsterdam Trip

"Let's talk about what you don't want out..."

New city, same drama...One of the best moments on RH comes to us when the ladies from 90210 land in Amsterdam and Lisa Rinna and Kim Richards are already at odds with one another. Let's take it back a few episodes - Lisa has been sharing her "concern" over Kim's recent odd and erratic behavior and trying to convince the other ladies that she has obviously broken her sobriety and needs serious help. Fast forward to their first dinner in Amsterdam, Yolanda encourages everyone to share something that would connect them all on a deeper level. Big mistake. This is when Lisa takes the opportunity to share that not only  did her husband's brother die from alcoholism, but her sister passed away from a drug and alcohol overdose. The point of sharing this was to explain to Kim why she is so sensitive to other people's addictions, but Kim doesn't buy it, and she goes off. Kim goes on the defensive and threatens to reveal something about Lisa's husband. Kim tells her sister Kyle that their other sister, Kathy Hilton, is a better sister and Kyle starts crying, Eileen tries to be the peacemaker, which results in Kim calling her a "beast". The meals ends with Lisa throwing a wine glass at Kim and Kyle fleeing the scen, partly out of fear of glass getting in her hair, but mostly out of embarrassment. The next day, the Lisa and Kim sit down and, through a mostly calm conversation, make amends. The whole ordeal can be blamed on jet lag - right?

1. New Jersey - The Table Flip

"Come into my trap!"

Literally, the most iconic moment in all of housewives history, the Teresa table flip! This is the culmination of an entire season of gossip and drama. One of the ladies brought a book that was written about castmate/villain Danielle Staub to everyone's attention. The book was written by Danielle's ex-husband and it had a lot of incriminating stories about her cocaine-fueled past. So, in typical housewives fashion, Danielle decides that a dinner party is the perfect time to bring up what's been troubling her. While everyone is chatting she casually pulls the book from her purse, sets it on the table, and everyone. goes. silent. Harsh words are exchanged, loyalties are tested and children look on in horror, but it all takes a turn for the worse when Teresa gets involved. Any fan of the show knows that if you want to get a reaction out of Teresa all you have to do is say/imply that she's stupid. And Danielle does just that. Teresa seems to gain superhuman strength, flipping the table and fighting off several of the men, all while yelling "come into my trap!". It literally doesn't get any better than this.

Can you tell that the Real Housewives of New Jersey is my favorite? I'm so excited that it's back after being off the air for almost 2 years! Who else will be watching this season?

All GIFS from Reality TV Gifs 


Beach Vacay Must-Haves

Straw Studios "Conversation" Tote (Similar)

Finally, summer vacation has arrived! I've been out for a few weeks now, but my siblings are finishing up this week so we are heading out for a beach vacation next week that I am so excited about! It's definitely a rare thing for my family to go somewhere tropical, we are usually splitting our time between New York and California to visit family, or maybe go to the lake for a few days. 

All of these things have been on my radar recently plus things that I've ordered for my upcoming trip. We are going to the most amazing place, but I don't want to tell you exactly where yet! So follow me on snapchat (@thedarlingpeach) to see where I'm going!


#Obsessed | The People V. O.J. Simpson

I was only a few months old when the whole O.J. Simpson thing went down, but when the Casey Anthony trial was going on I somehow became super interested in famous trials. So I did some research on the O.J. trial and after that anytime someone would mention it, my ears would perk up. It wasn't until recently, however, when I was watching Bravo's Then and Now with Andy Cohen, a 3 part series that focuses on specific years that had a huge impact on pop culture, that I really understood the magnitude of the trial.

So when I heard about American Crime Story: The People vs O.J. Simpson I flipped out, and with an all-star cast like Cuba Gooding Jr, Sarah Paulson and John Travolta with David Schwimmer playing Robert Kardashian, there was no way I wasn't going to watch it. I started it a few weeks after it premiered (hello college life with no cable), but it was even better because then I could binge it in bed with a bowl of ice cream, and really what's better than that?

I had high hopes for the show. But at the same time I knew to take everything with a grain of salt. I wanted to keep in mind that the creators of the show could take creative license and alter parts of the true story in order to dramatize the event a bit more for tv. After the first episode I went online to see how true the show's portrayal was - and it's apparently incredibly accurate. Now, that's not to say that there aren't little things here or there that are different, but the major causes and effects are the same. That's the greatest part about this whole thing - it doesn't need to be dramatized because it is already so dramatic!

The trial is fascinating to me because I am obsessed with reality tv, and this really was one of the first instances of a modern day reality show and it remains one of the most sensational crime dramas of all time. Fueled by sex, wealth, celebrity, power and jealousy, the trial had the perfect combination to draw the attention of the nation. From the initial Bronco chase to the verdict, the world stopped to watch as the media covered the trial 24 hours, 7 days a week and the fact that Judge Ito allowed cameras in the courtroom (#famehungry) only enabled America's obsession, and it made celebrity journalism mainstream. 150 million people tuned in to watch the not guilt verdict, even then-president Bill Clinton stopped working in the Oval Office to watch. 

What's amazing about the show is that it provides a much more real and deeper understanding of not only what actually happened during "the trial of the century", but how it created the celebrity culture we have today. Plus, it is just so jaw-droppingly crazy like, 90% of the time! But even more than that, Ryan Murphy and co. did a great job creating a beautiful and compelling show that raises the issues of the trial in a serious and authentic way.

If you've watched the series tell me what you think, and if you haven't I highly suggest you do!  


Scotland: Edinburgh Part II

Our first full day in Scotland, we decided to do a day tour to Loch Ness. We both have always wanted to see the famous and mysterious loch and try to get a glimpse of the infamous Loch Ness Monster! We also wanted to see the Highlands because of our Outlander obsession. We booked the tour through Heart of Scotland Tours, and we had the best time! The only downside to the day was that it was raining, which made the Highlands super foggy, gloomy and windy.

We woke up super early and made our way back down towards the train station. It was dark, but there was already a good amount of people out walking around. We found the bus stop and there was the most adorable little red bus waiting for us (they call it "the wee red bus"). Once everyone arrived we started the tour! Our tour guide was so sweet, and she knew so much about the history of Scotland.
Image from Heart of Scotland website
Our first stop was to The Deanston Distillery. We were only able to take a very quick tour of it (like less than 5 minutes), and then we were able to get something to eat. We got another hot chocolate then hopped back on the bus and headed into the Highlands. We made a few stops along the way as our guide continued to tell us about the history of the areas we were in. Even though it was foggy and rainy it was absolutely beautiful, so I can only imagine how it would look on a sunny day in the summer!

Deanston Distillery
The Highlands 2
The Highlands

When finally made it to Loch Ness, we had to pay for the boat ride ticket separate from our tour ticket, but our guide collected the money and got the tickets for us while we went to get lunch. The town we were in, Fort Augustus, was very small, there weren't a lot of options for us to choose from. There were also ducks everywhere! Afterwards, we went to get on the boat for the tour. It was the most surreal experience. I couldn't believe that we were actually in Scotland on this body of water that was so famous! Unfortunately, we didn't see Nessie, but they spent a lot of the tour explaining how that mysterious legend began, which was so interesting!

Loch Ness 4
Loch Ness 3
Loch Ness 2
Loch Ness

Once the tour was over, we all loaded back onto the bus to make our way back. It would take about 4 hours to get back to Edinburgh, and on the way we fell asleep a couple of times. I was still trying to recover from my jet lag! We made one last stop to buy some souvenirs and use the bathroom. The entire ride back our tour guide was telling us about Scottish legends and playing folk music, it was a lot of fun! After we got back to Edinburgh we bought some food to bring back to our apartment where we watched some more I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here! and then went to bed.

The next day, we planned to do a double decker bus tour of the city. It definitely helped us get acclimated with our surroundings and how to navigate where everything was located. We hopped off at Edinburgh Castle and did an audio tour there for a few hours. It was interesting because it wasn't like being in Buckingham Palace or Dublin Castle, it was all stone and felt very medieval. We got amazing 360 degree views of the city from up there too!

edinburgh castle
Edinburgh Castle 2
After we finished the tour we walked around the area and ate lunch at Deacon Brodies's Tavern. Once we were inside we learned that Deacon Brodie was actually the inspiration for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! He apparently was a very prominent and well liked member of society, but had a dark and troubled personal life that not many knew about. Once we finished lunch we bought some more souvenirs for our family and headed back to pack up our stuff.
Edinburgh Church

We were nervous about going to Edinburgh during the winter, but besides the one rainy day, the other two were beautiful! The only hard part to adjust to was that it got dark so early, so we had to squeeze all our sightseeing into a small window. We're so thankful we got to have the experience of traveling here together, we absolutely want to go back again, hopefully when it's a little warmer!


Scotland: Edinburgh Part I

Like I said before, I went to Edinburgh at the end of November, which was not the best time to visit, but we had a great trip regardless! We went back and forth on whether or not going to Edinburgh would be worth it this time of year. The sun sets at 4pm and it's extremely cold with the possibility of snow or rain. We decided to just do it and luck was on our side for the most part. It wasn't terribly cold and out of the 3 days we were there, it only rained once and was sunny for the rest!

We walked from Edinburgh Train Station to our apartment. We rented through Airbnb and we were in a great location right off of Grassmarket Street. We had an awesome view of Edinburgh castle in a very girly, cozy apartment. It was perfect for us! The owner gave us directions from the train station but of course we got very lost. We made it to Grassmarket, but couldn't figure out where to go from there. After about an hour we found it, met the owner who have us the key, dropped our stuff off and went to wander around. 

Grassmarket Street
This was the courtyard of the building our Airbnb apartment was in!
Edinburgh Castle

That night was the beginning of the city's Christmas festival and Susan Boyle was set to perform! We were really excited to experience the city's celebrations. We went back to where the train station was and there was a whole Winter Wonderland set up with lights, rides, booths and food! We got hot chocolate (which was amazing) and walked around looking at all the handmade goods that were being sold. 

Then we went to where Susan Boyle was going to be as she was turning the lights on on one of the streets. We made our way as close to the front as we could, but were disappointed because Susan didn't perform! She did a countdown and then ran into her hotel! Bummer. There was a great fireworks show though.

We headed back to our apartment and stopped into The Last Drop, which is on Grassmarket Street, for dinner. It's a traditional pub setting, with traditional Scottish pub food. I had the macaroni and cheese and my cousin had a burger (I know, not very Scottish but we were tired and just wanted comfort food). We were sitting next to a couple from Pennsylvania and started talking with them. The woman was American but her husband was Scottish so they retired here in Edinburgh. She was giving us tips on where to go to meet rich young men, she knew what we were looking for. 

The pub itself was very cool. As you can read from the sign it was the original site for hangings and is reportedly haunted by a young girl. They have a whole wall dedicated to pictures of gruesome scenes and papers. 

We decided to end the night early instead of going to another pub since we signed up for a day tour to the Highland and Loch Ness for the next day. We went back to the room, put the fire on and watched an episode of I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here, which is so good and it's on like every single day of the week there which was crazy to us, but we watched it every night regardless. It's like a mix of Survivor and Fear Factor. 

So that's it for our first day in Edinburgh. I'll do a second part of this post when we did some more touristy things! Also, if you guys want to know about where we stayed, email me and I'll share the link with you!


London Calling

I want to start off by saying that this post is incredibly late. I went to London at the end of November so it's almost 4 months later, but I still wanted to give some insight into my trip for anyone who might be planning on going sometime soon!

My cousin was studying abroad in London for the semester so the purpose of the trip was to see her and spend time together in a place we both love (the first time we both went to London was also together when we were 16!).  I did a lot of research before the trip thanks to Pinterest (check out my London board here). I'm a big planner so I wanted to have a general idea of things I wanted to see and what parts of London I wanted to go to. We were also planning a short trip to Scotland so we had to plan for that as well. I put together a very detailed itinerary about what stuff to do together on which days according to location. My original plan was also to try to pack all my stuff in a carry on, which was actually so delusional of me. I ended up with my carry on and a checked bag that was just under the weight limit. I also did research on how to prevent jet lag since I normally can't sleep on planes and even with all that prep, I didn't sleep a wink.

The trip started off pretty well since I ended up sitting next to a cute British guy on the plane. We talked for a while, but I was so tired from being at school all day I just wanted to sleep! Because he was so cute he made me self-conscious about falling asleep, what if I had extreme double chin or what if my mouth was hanging open? It was a risk I, for some reason, was not willing to take.

When I landed it was a cold and dreary morning, obviously, since it is London, but that first day was rough.  My cousin met me at the airport and we took a taxi to her school. It was only 10 am, but I was ready to go to bed. We spent some time around Uxbridge, which was the town closest to her school to keep me awake. The next day we were leaving for Scotland so thankfully we went to bed early.

We left before sunrise so we were able to see it from the tube
Their tube system was much better than the subways in the US - much cleaner!

King's Cross Station (This is where Platform 9 3/4 is for you Harry Potter fans! I wanted to see it but forgot!)

We debated whether it was better to fly into Edinburgh or take the train. Both would end up being around the same price, but we would have to travel to Stansted Airport, which was on the complete opposite side of London, meaning we would have to transfer tube lines as well as bus lines which seemed too complicated. A flight would be about an hour whereas the train would be almost 5, but we realized the amount of time it would take us to just get to the airport would make the trip time almost equivalent. We were definitely happy we chose the train. It was really cool getting to see the English and Scottish countryside.

This was just kind an intro to the beginning part of my trip. I'll put up a few more posts to fill you in on all the other things we did! There's so much info I want to share with you guys I have to break it up into a few posts so it's not so overwhelming!

Here's a very general itinerary for our trip and the different places I'll talk about: 

Heart of Scotland Loch Ness & Highlands Day Tour

Covent Garden
Notting Hill

xo, sarah

Next Stop: Scotland

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